30 days of creative coding — Explore the results!
Day 1 - Vertical or horizontal lines only
Day 2 - Layers upon layers upon layers
Day 3 - Exactly 42 Lines of Code
Day 4 - Black on Black
Day 5 - Isometric Art
Day 6 - Primative Shape Landscape.
Day 7 - Use software that is not intended to create art or images.
JAN. 8. (credit: Piter Pasma) Draw one million of something.
JAN. 9. (credit: Piter Pasma) The textile design patterns of public transport seating.
JAN. 10. (credit: Darien Brito) You can only use TAU in your code, no other number allowed.
TAU = 2 * pi = 6.2831853…
JAN. 12. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Subdivision.
JAN. 13. (credit: Heeey) Triangles and nothing else.
JAN. 14. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Pure black and white. No gray.
JAN. 15. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Design a rug.
JAN. 16. (credit: Stranger in the Q) Generative palette.
JAN. 17. (credit: Roni Kaufman) What happens if pi=4?
JAN. 18. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) What does wind look like?
JAN. 19. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Op Art.
JAN. 20. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Generative Architecture.
JAN. 21. (credit: Darien Brito) Create a collision detection system (no libraries allowed).
JAN. 22. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Gradients only.
JAN. 23. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht, Roni Kaufman) Inspired by brutalism.
JAN. 24. (credit: Bruce Holmer) Geometric art - pick either a circle, rectangle, or triangle and use only that geometric shape.
JAN. 25. (credit: Bruce Holmer, Chris Barber (code_rgb), Heeey, Monokai) One line that may or may not intersect itself.
JAN. 26. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Symmetry.
JAN. 27. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Make something interesting with no randomness or noise or trig.
JAN. 28. (credit: Sophia (fractal kitty)) Infinite Scroll.
JAN. 29. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Grid-based graphic design.
JAN. 30. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Abstract map. Not to be confused with AbstractMap.
JAN. 31. (credit: Melissa Wiederrecht) Pixel sorting.